Ready to build your dream home?

Most clients who come to Olympic Ridge are successful in their own vocations and are accustomed to professional relationships. Before starting a project, Joe Klinker, President of Olympic Ridge, interviews a potential client as they interview him. He wants the home buyer to be comfortable with him just as much as he wants to be comfortable with them. He will take the time to get a clear understanding of the type of home they desire. Many clients have owned numerous homes and are looking for a well built home with specialty items they didn’t include in previous homes. Our clients living out of state especially appreciate our convenient system of remote communication via email and phone, including plan development and regular photo updates of site development and construction progress between visits. Below is a typical progression of our process at Olympic Ridge:



At this time we will discuss what you want in your home, size and budget considerations and whether our relationship will be a good fit. We will tour a few of the homes built by Olympic Ridge. Based on the tours we can discuss various cost ranges, and look at your building site or help you find one. When both parties are comfortable to progress a retainer is collected to take us through the permitting stage.


phase 2: design

Olympic Ridge will work together with you to develop architectural design and site plans for the construction of your home. Olympic Ridge has a close working relationship with select, premier architects but can also work with plans you have previously developed. We will build your home and develop the property based on an estimated cost schedule. Olympic Ridge will carry out the design phase in conjunction with the various county departments, engineers, and financial institutions. Once the plans and estimate are in place Olympic Ridge will enter into a construction agreement with you.


phase 3: Construction

This is where you can begin to see your dream become a reality. Olympic Ridge obtains the permits, develops the property, constructs the home, procures craftsmen and labor, equipment, suppliers, and performs all the work for the construction of the home according to applicable regulations, laws and building codes. Olympic Ridge is in regular communication to keep you informed of progress and options for changes to the plans if necessary, or if desired by you. Day by day you will watch your dream grow. You will make many exciting choices and decisions regarding both interior and exterior designs and finishes. We at Olympic Ridge, along with our team of designers, will be at your side to consult and advise you every step of the way, insuring that your completed home is exactly as you envisioned.
